Love these. Had I any objection, I'd wish I could be forewarned I was about to go through 6 seconds of "Where would you want to cum", incase I blew my load to something like that. Seems almost like you'd want to browse the movie, then masturbate afterwards.
And while I don't doubt that it's the toughest part to master, the cum in this is almost deterring. The trajectory, volume, and viscosity is pretty inaccurate.
I wouldn't rate it any lower because of this, but it takes quite the optimist to completely overlook it.
And while I don't doubt that it's the toughest part to master, the cum in this is almost deterring. The trajectory, volume, and viscosity is pretty inaccurate.
I wouldn't rate it any lower because of this, but it takes quite the optimist to completely overlook it.